(949) 481-3841 emailme@jpthompson.us

My Sales Training Approach

Sales TrainingAs a sales trainer and a sales training consultant, I will work collaboratively with you and your staff to identify the most limiting performance factors to achieving sales excellence which will increase your salespeople’s selling skill to enable them to close more sales faster. We work together to achieve sales excellence through honing your sales representatives selling skills and sales acumen. I can help you design and deliver a skills development workshop to help your sales representatives meet the most demanding sales situations. If you need help with a very specific selling challenge, contact me.

My approach offers salespeople a comprehensive approach to selling and sales managers a rapid approach to sales coaching that will provide their sales people with the best selling skills and best sales techniques that improve their selling effectiveness and sales performance.

The selling skills and sales training are laid out as guidelines to follow and formulas to use. In essence, a “Road Map”. They will learn “hard process selling skills” which can be put to use immediately with sales results.

This proven approach has helped salespeople use the best selling practices to maximize their selling potential from increasing market share to gaining commitments from difficult customers. I have assisted sales managers to focus on the critical coaching needs of their salespeople that have produced increased sales and market penetration.

Can you achieve similar results?

That’s hard to tell. But one thing is certain; you are the one person who can take action to find out.

Remember; “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” – Anthony Robbins.